Universe in our head
The Universe in our head Often when we start to think about the origin of everything, the origin of the universe, it just makes us feel empty and clueless because questions like these are still missing their answers in modern science. Various theories of the past and people's beliefs have different stories of the creation of the universe. When we study space we end up at "where does the universe end?" Like planets make a solar system, solar systems create a galaxy, and a group of galaxies is called the universe. What is thereafter the universe and what is its length, depth, and volume? Is it infinite or is there something bigger after the universe ends? I would like you to imagine the vastness of your mind. What do you see when you look inside your thinking tank? do you see a finite space or is it enormous enough that feels like a universe? Where does a thought go when we don't believe it? Where does a thought come from? Do we create our thoughts or do we experience ...