

Memories Memories exist outside of time. This is a monologue of the protagonist from the series Euphoria. Her name is Rue and her father died of cancer when she was little. Her dad told her " Whenever you want to see me just close her eyes and we'll be together ".  This scene made me curious to read about memories and write a blog post about the same. I was also wondering for the past week to the question, c an we miss someone even if we are sitting right next to that person? And I think I know the answer now. -------------------------- Memories; they are quite like a sister of imagination.  I want to relate this to my previous blog - The Universe in our heads . As I wrote, our mind has no limit just like the universe where we exist. Our thoughts are born in our minds just like the galaxies, solar systems (or human beings) in this universe.  Some humans like our family, friends, and people we love are like the dreams and memories in our minds who remain there longer than

My First visit to Tis Hazari District Court

Visiting the court for the first time Due to our busy schedules, my friend and I were going to try to make it to the court, but we never had time. We had the opportunity to visit the court today because our classes were canceled. Since it was the most suitable option, we took the metro from our college. After reaching the place but before evening entering the first frisk checkpoint, we encountered a Tout (kind of a broker for advocates) who said "Kahan jana hai?" (Where do you want to go?). I didn't know who he was but my friend told me, there are a lot of people like him who will ask the same question. At the second checkpoint also, there was another man asking the same. We entered the premises after a quick frisk check, and it was busy inside. We simply roamed the area for a while. The court proceedings were happening in small rooms adjoining to the chambers of those Judges who were presiding over the cases. My friend then asked for permission from the court martial to

Keep your stupid little thing going...

"Nothing matters..." Yeah, we hear this frequently through others and say it ourselves sometimes. But if you ever wondered waiting to find the answer to this "Does anything really matters?" I watched a film recently it was one of the best movies I have ever watched because this film gave me my answer to this one question.  Everything Everywhere all at once  this movie had a great impact on me as I often question myself, does this life really matters. This movie first tells us that nothing in this world actually matters and then it shows us that our little stupid life is meaningful only because we give meaning to it. We can go ahead and avoid it but what holds us is the meanings and connections we build through all this. If we look closely and analyze that if nothing matters and everything is just here for some time then we should also look at the other side. Is nothingness more important than existence?  We will realize that yeah if nothing matters and having nothin

Self Esteem

Self Doubts Video by KIS KIS - keep it short

He Chooses a Simple Natural life over Luxury (Full Documentary)

Beautiful Documentary Video by I Love Mayapur

Universe in our head

 The Universe in our head Often when we start to think about the origin of everything, the origin of the universe, it just makes us feel empty and clueless because questions like these are still missing their answers in modern science. Various theories of the past and people's beliefs have different stories of the creation of the universe. When we study space we end up at "where does the universe end?" Like planets make a solar system, solar systems create a galaxy, and a group of galaxies is called the universe. What is thereafter the universe and what is its length, depth, and volume? Is it infinite or is there something bigger after the universe ends? I would like you to imagine the vastness of your mind. What do you see when you look inside your thinking tank? do you see a finite space or is it enormous enough that feels like a universe? Where does a thought go when we don't believe it? Where does a thought come from? Do we create our thoughts or do we experience


Hobbies Hearing the word hobbies, most of the time makes us think only about the activities which are talked about more often like painting and reading. And we also see the representation of these particular hobbies in media which are repeatedly shown that makes us question our hobbies and sometimes makes us question, Do I have a hobby? A hobby is a practice of one's daily life that is done in the pursuit of enjoyment.  Hobbies can be anything  (Not particularly painting, singing, and dancing)  like sitting in the balcony, spending time with your pet, visiting a place for a walk or exercise, or even starring at the sunset and imagining or anything that has become a routine that gives a sense of rejuvenation or refreshment from exhaustion. When I was little, I used to make up names whenever a teacher asks me about my hobbies. And I was lying because actually I never knew what my hobbies were as they would not match the more talked hobbies like painting, singing or dancing, etc. But