

Memories exist outside of time. This is a monologue of the protagonist from the series Euphoria. Her name is Rue and her father died of cancer when she was little. Her dad told her "Whenever you want to see me just close her eyes and we'll be together". This scene made me curious to read about memories and write a blog post about the same. I was also wondering for the past week to the question, can we miss someone even if we are sitting right next to that person? And I think I know the answer now.


Memories; they are quite like a sister of imagination. I want to relate this to my previous blog - The Universe in our heads. As I wrote, our mind has no limit just like the universe where we exist. Our thoughts are born in our minds just like the galaxies, solar systems (or human beings) in this universe. Some humans like our family, friends, and people we love are like the dreams and memories in our minds who remain there longer than other thoughts and emotions in our heads just like the closer planets which revolves around the Sun; us. And we keep giving them space throughout our lives in a way just like a whole new galaxy acquires a place in the universe. Other people are like comets and shooting stars, who pass by our orbits making contact just for a little duration like accidental meetings and interactions.

Memories can quite fascinate our minds and make us believe in things which might not look practical sometimes. One such example would be that we can miss a person even if we are sitting close to them because of the memory we hold of that person of what they once used to be.

All our lives as human beings on this planet goes into making memories of our experiences which we had in our entire lifespan and it's the memories for us humans that holds us together as an individual by giving us the gift of holding onto the things we had and make us believe that we are not mechanical. And most importantly the bitter and sweet together makes the experience rich. We cannot expect a single sun or a single galaxy to hold the weight of the universe, there has to be multiple suns and galaxies all around the universe to build and destroy their existence so as to make the universe or existence of life possible.


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