
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Brave One

After a long time, yesterday, I was sitting in my balcony staring at the beauty of nature. I saw a little bird nest. In the nest, there were two little nestlings (one or a half weeks old) with a parent. Out of curiosity, I started imagining. I asked the bird (parent of the nestlings) "It must be challenging going out, looking for food when there are so many predators out there looking for you." "Yes, it is. But I have these two little lives depending on me." Said the bird. "You seem to be a brave one. How was your childhood?" I asked. "I don't know if I am the brave one but I am sure that I am the lucky one. I had a brother who died saving me when a kite attached our nest. We used to have a nest on  Azadirachta indica (neem tree) and our flock (group of birds) used to sing a song of bravery. Now I sing this song for my little ones." Image source Brave are we who do not fear to live. W e live, we fly, we sing, we die.  Brave are we who do not

A Story about Hope

Four candles in a room One evening, four candles were burning slowly whiles having a conversation. The ambiance was so soft one could hear them talking. The first candle said - I am PEACE but the world is full of anger and fighting, nobody wants to keep me lit, and slowly it cried and went off. The second candle said - I am FAITH, but I am no longer indispensable and it doesn't make sense that I still have to stay lit again, and slowly it went off. Sadly, the third candle cried and said - I am LOVE, but people don't have me anymore, they have replaced me with hatred in their heart, they revenge and hurts others. People don't understand my importance anymore, and slowly love burned away. Suddenly a child entered the room and saw the three unlit candles, why aren't you burning? You are supposed to stay lit until the end. Whiles saying this, the child began to cry. Then the fourth candle said, don't be afraid - I am HOPE, and while I am still burning. We can re-light t

The Power of Music

The Power of Music I started listening to music in 2016 - 2017 before that I can only recall movie songs of Bollywood that hardly resemble my vibes. The first song I ever listened to that resonates with me was Love Story by Taylor Swift. I was a huge swiftie back then. After that, I started listening to more similar songs and came to know pop is my jam. Over the years, listening to pop music became my routine. In 2019, My best friend told me about Spotify which transformed everything. I am so grateful that he shared this beautiful application with me. My therapy begins, the power of music rewired my entire system. Whenever I felt lost, broken, upset, and low, I put on my headphones with my brave playlist on (songs that makes me feel powerful, strong, and unstoppable) and dance it out. It is as if something is trying to pull me down inside my head, I walk it out through music. This made me fearless. Not as if I fear nothing but, I fear nothing that may break me down. Because I will alwa