The Brave One

After a long time, yesterday, I was sitting in my balcony staring at the beauty of nature. I saw a little bird nest. In the nest, there were two little nestlings (one or a half weeks old) with a parent.

Out of curiosity, I started imagining. I asked the bird (parent of the nestlings) "It must be challenging going out, looking for food when there are so many predators out there looking for you."

"Yes, it is. But I have these two little lives depending on me." Said the bird.

"You seem to be a brave one. How was your childhood?" I asked.

"I don't know if I am the brave one but I am sure that I am the lucky one. I had a brother who died saving me when a kite attached our nest. We used to have a nest on Azadirachta indica (neem tree) and our flock (group of birds) used to sing a song of bravery. Now I sing this song for my little ones."

Image source

Brave are we who do not fear to live. We live, we fly, we sing, we die. Brave are we who do not fear to live, We live, we fly, we sing, we die.

Why should I fear from the one who is bigger? Look at my courage it is flowing like a river. Why should I fear to open my wings? This is the song of the brave and I am the one who is going to sing...


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