Always Remember


Breakdowns, collapse, and fallbacks are ironically that part of one's journey where one only sees the present and not the past or future, which is present, the balanced vision. amazing, right? Here is a little video for my lovely readers who give me their precious time to see the creative little blogposts I post. I love you all so much.

We all have our expectations, goals, and experiences towards different situations. I too have my goals and outcomes of my reactions to situations. There are days when I just don't feel motivated enough to do anything (things that I am supposed to do) and ruin my energy on drainers like youtube, Instagram, basically my phone. This all happens just like a wave when the damage done is seen only after the wave is gone but If I take some time out to do something out of creativity or something I like that is reading, writing, and doing my "do your thing" then that becomes a real break.

I am not saying that breakdowns for me are these days where I don't do my work (do things I first don't like and second am not supposed to do) but I am saying breakdowns for me are days when I see myself getting swallowed by behavior which is harmful to me. Yes, breakdowns for me also mean days where I let my emotions out. This is a material world and things don't feel good when we are out of balance. But we got to move on.

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Remember one thing, you got yourself, you always have. You have always made it out of situations where no one was there to tell you that someone is there for you. I too mostly forget this but when I don't I thank myself only because I, for myself, was always there. Holding the emotions and letting them out. Love yourself fiercely because you are meant to be loved by the most beautiful being and that is YOU.


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