

Once upon a time, there was a little boy Dhruv. He was full of spirit, joy, and, curiosity. Whatever new or exciting thing he sees becomes the reason for his smile. He loves everything about him and loved his friends and family. As he gets older, he saw people making fun of him smiling more, being more loving, and doing things that he loved about himself. With time the little boy Dhruv losses his joy, curiosity, and spirit of cheerfulness. This lead to him disowning the smile he always used to keep on his face. This story is not unique. We all hold our story just like Dhruv in our lives, where self-acceptance is replaced with self-forgetting.

Self-forgetting or self molding for others creates malice (Hiding self pain or hurt by hurting others) No one in this world can accept or forgive others unless they have not accepted or forgiven themselves. Over the year I have learned that people who are hurt inside, hurt others to hide the pain they are holding deep inside.

Dhruv, who lost his smile when he was told to change his smile, I too started hiding when I was told to change. And just like those people who made fun of Dhruv for his smile, I too started to channel out bad energy when I thought I could hide the wounds by hurting others. But I failed and failed badly when I realized how wrong and bad I did to others. But forgiving myself helped me accept that it was okay and accepting myself helped me forgive others.

Acceptance gave me the smile I used to keep on my face. it gave me what I always have - Peace, Joy, and Love; Inside ME.


  1. The big mountains are rich in oil, gold and fire, but the small mountain, basically a hill, has the seed of life.


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